Vision, Mission and Mandate

VISION: All living and non-living things, communities, and societies co-existing are living in balance and harmony and enjoying respectful, healthy, culturally vibrant and equitable relationships within a sustainable and healthy ecosystem.

MISSION: The mission of Gamiing Nature Centre is to build a sustainable, healthy and robust ecosystem for current and future generations and build, strengthen and enrich Indigenous and non-Indigenous relationships.

MANDATE: Gamiing is located on the west shores of Pigeon Lake in the territory of the Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg. As such, all stewardship, ecological education and cultural programing is done in accordance with Treaty 20 and the Williams Treaties and has a foundation rooted in Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Indigenous Knowledge of the Anishinaabeg Nations combined with scientific methods and technology. Gamiing has a pedagogical approach to program delivery that is based on emergent and inquiry learning. The defining feature of our programs is that people are provided with opportunities to build relationships with the land, water, community, and with themselves. Gamiing Nature Centre is an environmental and natural heritage conservation and management education centre whose focus is on ecological education and research and Mississauga Anishnaabeg cultural programming.